Timer executing multiple times


We are experiencing some issues with timer code. When we try running the code with CodeRunner, it executes multiple times (sends multiple emails at once), whereas when we push the Run button in the console it is working properly, i.e sending one email. We experience the same behaviour with the timer in both Debug and Production. Is this an internal issue? Please advise.

The timer code is : @BackendlessTimer("{‘startDate’:1462862100000,‘frequency’:{‘schedule’:‘custom’,‘repeat’:{‘every’:120}},‘timername’:‘PushNotificationTimer’}")

public class PushNotificationTimerTimer extends com.backendless.servercode.extension.TimerExtender

final TreeSet<String> departments = new TreeSet<String>();

public void execute( String appVersionId ) throws Exception


String mailBody = “Testing backendless mail”;
Backendless.Messaging.sendTextEmail(“Testing testing”, mailBody, "no-reply@gmail.com");



Hi Lehel,
We are already looking at this issue, the fix will be available in next few days.

Hi Lehel,
This has been fixed recently. Could you please verify?


Thank you for your reply. I have tested the timer and noticed that the multiple execution issue has been resolved. However, while e-mails are being sent in both debug and production mode, push notifications are only delivered in debug mode. I can see them in the messages tab in backendless, but only while executing in debug.

Could you advise further, please?