How to do one to many operations in Transaction API. For example.
I have have a record in table A: A.1. And I create the object for A.1, and need to set the relation in Table B with 2 records : B.1 and B.2. How could I do that in 1 unit of work?
Let me clarify. Can I set 2 or more relations perunit of work between recods from two different tables.
Even if the Object has 2 parent objects? I don’t see the parameters supporting that. That is what I need to be able to add 2 parent object relations
Hello @Michael_Iverson
If I understand you correctly, then you want to set two parents for one child object, right?
For example:
1:N to TableChildren
. Objects parent1
and parent2
. Object child1
One UnitOfWork, but 2 operations like:
let unitOfWork = UnitOfWork()
unitOfWorkInstance.setRelation( TableParent, parent1, relationColumnName, child1 ) -> OpResult
unitOfWorkInstance.setRelation( TableParent, parent2, relationColumnName, child1 ) -> OpResult
unitOfWork.execute(responseHandler: { (response: UnitOfWorkResult) in
// Transaction completed. Check the response object if it is a success.
}, errorHandler: { fault in
// Server reported an error.
Is the above the solution? But yes you are correct in your assumption. I want to set to parent relations to a single chiled object in one unit of work.
Hi @Michael_Iverson,
Yes. Have you tried it already? Let us know if you have any further questions.