Transaction to insert more than 100 rows?

Is there a way to use transactions to insert more than 100 rows? I am processing rows from an order import excel file, combining multiple rows into an order, and inserting them into a table.

I need to know that all the rows are inserted correctly, or I can’t count the file as processed. I was hoping to do something like this but it doesn’t work -

If the 100-row limitation is unavoidable, are there any other suggestions? I have a few ideas that capture 99%+ of the failure modes but are not foolproof.


Hi @Tim_Jones,

In this case, it would be better to use the CSV plugin service from the marketplace.

If this doesn’t resolve your issue, please let us know.


The import file has a row per order item, with an order being between 1 and N rows. I am combining the data into single row per order.

Long story short, it is not a direct import.


Hello @Tim_Jones

there is no way to increase the limit in one transaction, but you can add as much operations as you need

Thanks @sergey.kuk. I understand that, but it’s (obviously) not a transaction I can roll back if there is an issue.

The database limitations (or what I feel are limitations) in Backendless are a real disappointment to an otherwise awesome platform.


Hi @Tim_Jones

Have you tried to add more operations where each saves 100 records?

Hi @vladimir-upirov,

Do you mean something like this -

and instead of the Create Object, there should be a list of objects

Right. I did that quickly without thinking about the specifics.

I have not tried that. Do you think it will work?


technically it should work