We have email templates that contain images (or rather, links to images, not actual attachments). These images are in our file system on Backendless and we use variables to link up the images in the email template (e.g. “{image_URL}”).
When sending tests where we insert the image URL into the variable field, for some reason the image is not there in the received email… there’s a long delay before anything in the place where the image should be shows up, and then when something does show up, it’s a broken image.
However, when we insert a link to a random image on the internet into our variable field, the image arrives in the email client just fine.
I checked that our Backendless image is available for anyone on the internet (anon browser), for example this one:
I cannot for the life of me figure out why the image might not show up in an email! Is there some blocking happening on the part of Backendless when something like Gmail tries to access an image?