Twilio alphanumerical SenderId

In the Twilio documentation, they talk about the alphanumerical senderId, that need to be sent in the request in the from parameter. Like I use backendless to send twilio sms, is it possible to send this “from” parameter with the api? I saw an options in the method signature:

    "phoneNumber": "string",
    "message": "string",
    "mediaUrl": "string",
    "options": {}

Is it possible to send the from in the options object here?

I believe that value is provided through the API service configuration options (copying the screenshot below from here):

Ok thanks you @mark-piller , do you know if it’s possible to update this settings value now? Or do I need to delete and reinstall the plugin?

@Indevers you can update the settings by clicking the cog icon in the services toolbar:


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