Twilio and WhatsApp Integration

Hi All,

I have been investigating the possibility of using Twilio to integrate a function so WhatsApp messages can be sent from a backendless codeless application. Twilio works great for sms but was just wondering if anyone had tried this and succeeded.

Kind Regards,

I have got this far but am starting to hit road blocks.

found the relevant documentation and started making some head way,

Twilio WhatsApp

created the service as follows,

The Authorization contains twilio_account_sid:twilio_auth_Token encoded in base 64.

When Invoking I get the following Error:

400 - Header name must be a valid HTTP token ["Authorization "]

Not sure what i am missing or what I am doing wrong.

Kind Regards

Found the error typo on my part space after authorization

I am having the same issue as referenced below,

I have the Twilio api service installed already, however i am obviously trying to use a function not yet included in the backendless Twilio api service.

I am at exactly the same point as what is below, am i sending the payload incorrectly?

Kind Regards,

Feel like this should be correct but no joy: Getting Error

400 - A ‘To’ phone number is required. (21604)

--data-urlencode "From=whatsapp:+14155238886" \
--data-urlencode "Body=Hello, there$EXCLAMATION_MARK" \
--data-urlencode "To=whatsapp:+15005550006" \

This seems to be working,

will post updates with the result,

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Working Perfectly, Just remember to add templates to initiate the 24hour window.

Hi, @Raymond_Woodley

Sorry, you are ahead of me, I was just working on testing this option. You found a perfectly valid way to do it. We will add this to the Twillio documentation so that other users can implement this scenario


Hi @Marina.Kan

Glad I could be of use to the community for a change.

Kind Regards,