Two-factor authentication for app. Delay receiving security code

Hi Folks,
app id - 999D4F62-8A9B-4BFB-A20C-0CDEA2931FD6, EU cluster.
I getting long delays in receiving security code via email.
I’m not sure where the delay is originating from but for now I’ve turned off two-factor auth.

One of the issues might be in I’m receiving EU security code and applying them to North America.
My security codes are delayed I’m I don’t know from the console login screen if I should be entering EU or North America.

Frequently on first opening up a fresh instance of ‘’ I’m asked to confirm security then transferred to EU security and another security code required.

Is there an EU url address I can use to ensure I start of with EU login screens?

Could an ‘authenticator’ app flow be developed?


Hello @Paul_HIllen ,
We were able to reproduce the problem of email delays during authorization in EU cluster, with two-factor auth. I have created an internal ticket to fix this issue, when the issue is resolved we will update you in this ticket.
Thank you for discovering this problem, this will definitely make Backendless better.

To log into your account specifically in the EU cluster, you can use this link:
