Backendless Version (3.x / 6.x, Online / Managed / Pro )
Application ID
Page: landing
Actual Behavior
I created a ‘On Click’ logic for a Text component.
Then i deleted it.
Now, when i’m trying to create another logic for the same component, i’m seeing this error:
“Oops. An internal error [dbd5192d310c72360aa8bd6b02c61c49] has occurred. We are working on it. Please try again later”
Thank you for reporting this problem. We’re aware that it happens when logic is deleted. I went in and cleaned it up for you. Please let me know if it happens again.
No, it is not expected at all. In fact it happens very rarely. When it does, what I usually do (as I did in your page) is switching to the user interface and then navigating back to the logic of the component. You will see the error message with the internal error code, and you will be able to delete the logic block using the red “Delete Logic” button located in the same place where the “Add Logic” button usually is (on the right hand side of the interface). Click the “Delete Logic” button, dismiss the error and that completely restores the logic. We will definitely get it fixed in one of the upcoming releases (which occur rather frequently).