UI Builder losing work

Hi all
I’ve been following the UI Builder videos but keep running into a small issue. Not sure how I am causing this to happen:

It seems to be that something causes the work to revert to an earler version. It may only occur when I allow the screen to sleep while UI Builder is open, I’m not sure.
So the result is that I stil have the working preview of what I had built, but in UI Builder itself I have something different, that obviously has then auto saved.

I have rebuilt the UI once and noticed the logic still seemed to be there in the background.

The preview also continues to work and save to the table, etc. It’s only when I refresh the preview that I lose the one that has been correct. I can also still go ‘back’ and acccess the working preview.

Maybe it won’t be a problem if I exit the UI Builder screen when not using.


Hi @Danny_Fisher

Welcome to the Backendless community!

Let me summarize and please correct me if I miss something:

  1. you open the UI-Builder designer
  2. you open the UI Container preview
  3. at this moment both UI are the same ← is that correct?
  4. then you do some changes in the designer
  5. and the preview still shows the up-to-date UI ← is that correct?
  6. then your PC falls asleep for a while
  7. and when you come back you do changes in the already opened UIBuilder and you do not see any issues ← is that correct?
  8. but when you open the Preview do not see the latest changes ← is that correct?

Hi Vladimir

Almost correct.

  1. you open the UI-Builder designer
  2. you open the UI Container preview
  3. at this moment both UI are the same ← is that correct? YES
  4. then you do some changes in the designer
  5. and the preview still shows the up-to-date UI ← is that correct? YES
  6. then your PC falls asleep for a while
  7. and when you come back you do changes in the already opened UIBuilder and you do not see any issues ← is that correct? NO
  8. but when you open the Preview do not see the latest changes ← is that correct? NO
  1. UI Builder has lost my work. It’s not even like an earlier version; just random parts missing.
  2. The preview that was open when my PC slept is still there and even works. If I refresh or reopen the preview, changes are lost there also.

is there any chance you work with the same UI-Container in different browser tabs or PCs?

Different browser tabs, yes

that might be the issue

When you UI-Builder in tab A it loads data from the server and then pushes changes back to the server

For instance:

  • you open UI Container in a tab A it loads data which is up to date at 19:00
  • then you open the same UI Container in a tab B it loads data which is up to date at 19:00, same as in tab A
  • then you add a Button in tab A and it saves on the server it
  • then you switch to the tab B, where there is no Button, you add an Input and it sends these changes to the server
  • so finally:
    1. on the server we have the Input but it doesn’t have the Button
    2. in the tab A on the client, we can see the Button
    3. in the tab B on the client we can see the Input

Ahh, I’m pretty sure I wasn’t editing in differnt tabs. Just viewing, etc

But let me try it again and make sure not to have UI Builder open in more than one place!

The photo I attached here actually seems to have UI Builder open an two tabs, so that proabably is the issue.