UI Builder return JSON object from API not showing object key/value in dynamic list object


I have a dynamic list behaviour container, which gets filled when I hit a button to call a JS API that returns a JSON object. I get a successful response, I can get the keys from the JSON if I Alert them.

But, I can’t seem to get the rows of that JSON into a cell in the container. Seems to be no way to reference the JSON object key/value pairs ? I’m sure I’m missing something simple.

App Id : A603AF06-3DDD-6D47-FF01-D559C4DF9300

Can you please help ?


Hi @paul-barnes

Do you want to get the list of key-value pairs of your json object and set it to your dynamic list?

Best Regards,


Yes. Well actually, I want to be able to split out into separate lists each of the arrays in the JSON.
For example, there might be a collection of people, inside there’s an array of people key/value pairs.
This will be assigned to list one. Then there’s a collection of cars, inside there’s an array of car key/value pairs. This will be assigned to list two. And so on.

Here is a rough example how to retrieve data from json (and create lists based on it):

Main points:

  • api service returns JSON object that is assigned to var data
  • then we iterate the keyset of json object and create the object for each key, that contains two fields: key and value. The result (list of objects) is assigned to var items
  • Last step - assign list to our dynamic list. Don’t forget to set Content Logic for text components.

Best Regards,


Thanks Maksym. That seems to have worked, using the Map Items function. Is there any documentation on how the Map Items function works ? Does it work for JSON objects and arrays ? To get deeper nested objects in the JSON object, presumably you need to get the initial Map Items list, then traverse the contents of that ?

Many thanks.

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