Unable of Uploading Images from Appgyver to Backendless using Rest


Hope some one can help.
I am trieng to upload an image from Appgyver to backendelss file store during user registration (profile image).
Registration of user works perfectly but I am unable to upload the selected image to the file store and link it with the created user profile.

I tried all I found so far (some is out of date) but no luck. Anyone from you gents/ladies have managed using appgyver and backendless to upload images?

If so you help is much appriciated.


Hi @Steirer_Bua

maybe this thread How to Upload Files To Backendless (Step by Step) will help you solve your issue


Yes tried it and does not work… Still lookign for an option…


Hello @Steirer_Bua

Hi, please describe how you are trying to do an image upload and bind it to a user. Have you created a “File Reference” column in the Users table? Is it the file uploading that is the problem? If yes, what error do you see.
