Unable to click on Workspace

Trying to do Mission topic - Register a user account with API.
Unable to find/click on the Workspace so I can size the Panel.
It appears the Panel completely covers up everything below the header.
Thanks for any help.

Hello @David_Blackard

Did you add any block? Do you mean that blocks are not available? If there’s a block in the way of the page, try removing it.


I follow the directions given in the Mission session, “Register a user account with API”.
I start with a new Landing Page
I add a Panel
I’m told next to click on Workspace but I can’t.
I’m supposed to be able to see it around the perimeter of the Panel but I don’t.
My Panel I covering up.

You can work with the blocks that the panel contains. If you don’t see a block when hovering over it, you can open the block tree and select the necessary block there


I will try this and responded to you. Thanks

I looked at the tree but still could not find the Workspace.
Please look at the cookie crumb in my picture. It has Workspace listed in it.
Can you tell me how to find this?

Warmest regards,


I see Workspace here:

Workspace is just the name of the block, you can rename it yourself. By default, the workspace is on the landing page.


Thanks for engaging Mark
That is from your training video
I have a screenshot to show what I’m looking for

I have never been able to find it while trying to complete the module.

Warmest regards,

Please share the link for the video and a timestamp where Workspace is referenced.

Thank you.

Video link https://youtu.be/knmAcm2BMwg
timestamp 1:28


Dave Blackard

From “Mark Piller via Backendless Support” <support-forum@backendlessmail.com>
To dblackard@gmail.com
Date 2/1/2023 9:11:00 AM
Subject [Backendless Support] [UI Builder] Unable to click on Workspace

In your case, the Panel is added directly to the Page. You can skip the part that describes the centering of the panel - it is not relevant to the point of the exercise. Once you get a bit more proficient with UI Builder, we can discuss how to center a panel on the page.


Thanks for the help.
Sounds like a good plan.
I will proceed with the training.
I want you to know that I can’t say enough good things about Backendless.
I have tried a lot of systems and this one blows me away.
I plan to complete the training. It may take me a while.
Thanks again.

Warmest regards,