I am getting the following error when attempting to login via the REST API:
{“message”:“Unable to login. Multiple login limit for the same user account has been reached”,“code”:3044}
The application settings is On for Enable Multiple Logins and Maximum number of simultaneous logins for an account is set to 10.
I initially thought this was due to Geographic Restrictions not allowing from where I am but I ensured it was allowed and still getting this error.
This also occurrs if I try to login via the REST Console.
Are you saying you made less than 10 logins using the same user account? I do not quite understand what the issue is. If you configured the backend not to allow more than 10 multiple logins and the error says “Multiple login limit for the same user account has been reached”, then that’s what it is.
Oddly enough, the only change I performed is to toggle the User application Login setting for “Enable Multiple Logins” from On to off and then to On, and my user can login now.
I do think there is a minor problem that does occur with the Multiple login configuration. With the same user logged in I was able to add data to the backendless service. I shut that user down on that computer without logging out. Several hours passed and on another computer I tried logging in with the same user and received the error message: {“message”:“Unable to login. Multiple login limit for the same user account has been reached”,“code”:3044}
I toggled the “Enable Multiple Logins” from On to Off and back to On and tried the same user login and it worked.
It is not recommended to use the “Multiple Logins” feature with disabled session timeout. When multiple logins are turned, the session duration is still present (even though it appears in console as disabled). Yesterday I wrote that the default session duration is 1 hour. I gave you wrong information and apologize for it. The default duration is 30 days, which should explain the behavior you have observed.