I encountered quite strange bug with saving objects: the following method
-(void)create:(id)entity response:(void(^)(id))responseBlock error:(void(^)(Fault *))errorBlock;
of PersistenceService does not always work. I don’t know why, but in iOS simulator, it does work for all the versions of simulator greater then 5. For iphone 4 and iphone 5 (for both iOS 8.1 and 9.2), this methods returns the following error:
AULT = ‘1007’ [Unable to save object - invalid data type for properties - requireInstallation, includesTransport, shouldQuotePrice. You can change the property type in developer console.]
All this mentioned properties are defined as booleans in table schema. Also, they are defined as BOOL properties in Objective-C class of corresponding object. Whats interesting: if I change in table schema mentioned properties to INT, behaviour becomes inverse: now it works in iphone 4 and 5 simulators, but does not work in higher simulator versions (and again, it doesn’t depend on iOS version).
Unfortunately, I cannot check behaviour on all corresponding devices instead of simulator, but iPhone 6+ behaves exactly as its simulator counterpart.
Taking into account that the same code works in some cases and refuses to work in others, this is very frustrating issue indeed. It greatly undermines the confidence in Backendless. And taking into account surprising amount of issues and bugs I encountered just in a couple of days after I started using this service, its also takes up a question of finding more reliable alternatives. And this is a pity, because the general impression of your service is quite favourable.