Unable to see app after login

hi there

im login in with GOOGLE or EMAIL but after a login i dont see my app at all,

all i see is a new registration form and the option to creat a new app

best regards

Hello @Tchisole_Santos,

do you have an App ID of your app?
When did you use it for the last time?

hello there,

Application ID: F5CF0142-1063-65AD-FF7B-1E5862CD6F00 (Application Name: DojodeArtesMarciaisdeTalatona.).

im currently accessing the various tables via my third party app, because Im still developing the app.

today i wanted to create a new table and its guiving me this problem

last time i accessed it directly must have been last month i think

The app is alive and well in our EU cluster. It can be accessed at https://eu-develop.backendless.com/