Unable to upload the file: file already exists

Application ID: `0E4551C6-B535-36DA-FFF0-46B0E8810600’

Problem description

I’m trying to drag 'n drop a saved node_module onto Backendless/severcode and I keep getting this error even for files that do not already exist.

Steps to reproduce

Please describe steps to reproduce starting from the first action.

  1. Drag 'n drop node_module folder to severcode.

Hi. Please, provide more information about the problem – what is the file (filename) you are trying to upload. Steps to reproduce also will be helpful.

I’m actually uploading a folder named node_modules in the files tab under root/servercode. Then this error pops up “Unable to upload the file: file already exists” even though the files are new.

I see in your app the the directory root/servercode/node_modules already exists. Did you try to delete it before uploading?

I deleted, merged the new modules locally and then uploaded the folder. Looks like drag n drop doesn’t merge.

Yes, you are right – we do not support merging on the server side.

as another way you can:

  • zip the node_modules folder
  • then upload it
  • and finally unzip

I guess it will be way faster

That would be faster :+1: