unable upload file

I can not upload a file in base64 with files api. I have used this example: https://backendless.com/documentation/files/rest/file_save_files_from_byte_arrays.htm.
Request attached. base64 checked and it is valid.
Response: {“code”:6009,“message”:“Unable to upload file”}

Hi Nick,

Since the request content-type is “multipart/form-data”, it must be structured as such. Please see the following discussion for an example of a multipart/form-data request:


Can I use another content-type? Because this one was suggested in an error response I’ve received from backendless.

Can I use another content-type? Because this one was suggested in an error response I’ve received from backendless. I have no form, I just want to send a base64 string, what is the reason for multipart/form-data? Can you give me an example of this post-query to backendless loading file as base64.

To upload bites you should use

Content-Type: text/plain

as it sed in documentation http://take.ms/ZyztC