Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'content' of undefined

My app worked a week ago but today I try to preview and nothing works, i get Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property ‘content’ of undefined.


What is your application ID?
Please provide steps to reproduce as well.


hello Mark

APP ID: B40D0CBC-D7A8-EF17-FF4A-1F6162A4E700

I Preview the app in the page profile
I clic in the block called “N. Personas” and change the number
then i clic “LISTO”. t20200716220009383.mp4.zip (19.3 MB)

Hi @giovanny_padilla!

Sorry for inconvenience. Internal ticket BKNDLSS-22211 was created for this problem. We will notify you when fix for it will be available.

Regards, Andriy

Hello @giovanny_padilla

Could you please check, now it should work properly

Regards, Vlad

Hello all.

it works. thanks. it was something I did?