Unexpected null value when passing an array to a custom API service

Hello! Right now I’m working on something that involves creating an array of objects and passing it to a custom api service we wrote in Javascript. But I’m receiving null values in areas where I’m not expecting. For example, right now the Javascript service we wrote logs the passed in list as well as its type, and returns the list:


However, right now, the logs show that it’s receiving a null object


I tried to ensure that the value being passed wasn’t null by doing a sanity check with an if statement as well as printing the list being passed.


This resulted in this- The claim records are populated and not null, but the claim837Debug service doesn’t seem to be receiving this list correctly, and instead is receiving a null object, which it prints then returns


I’m not really sure what’s going on here - can someone point me in the right direction? Thank you!

Hi Braxton,

Does the API service invocation work when you test it in the Backendless Console?
