Unexpected Results for Data Queries in Console

Hello, has the behavior of the Console’s Data Browser changed recently? I thought the pagination used to reflect the results of any current query. For example, if I enter a query in the Data Browser that returns 51 records and I have the page size set to 50, I would expect the Count in the App Tables list to be 51, and the pagination to reflect that there are 2 pages. What I’m seeing, even after clearing caches and refreshing the window multiple times, is that the counts always reflect the total number of records in the table. For example, my query returns 51 records, but the count says 19K+ and the pagination says Page 1 of 394. Page 1 contains 50, page 2 contains 1, all subsequent pages say “No data to display”. 394 * 50 = 19,700 which is the number of records in the table, give or take. Not a biggee, you can get accurate counts in the Rest interface, but it was kind of handy.

Thank you, Kelly

Hi @Kelly_Oglesby

We have a ticket for this issue - BKNDLSS-32259. The server returns the correct data, the problem is only with the count on the console. The issue has already been fixed and will be available in production with the next release. Thank you for letting us know about it.


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Hi there @Kelly_Oglesby,

The problem that you wrote about above has been fixed from our side.
