Unregister from a channel

trying to unregister a device in messaging (in docs there are old examples and without non-blocking)
getting error : BackendlessFault{ code: ‘Server.Processing’, message: ‘no transaction is in progress’, detail: ‘no transaction is in progress’, extendedData: ‘{}’ }

used the command:


Have you tried to reproduce the problem on a separate minimal Android app? We’re not aware currently of any problems like this one, and such example app would assist us a lot in finding a reason you get the error.

Actually, I just found the relevant errors in the log and an internal ticket for this issue. For reference, the ticket ID is BKNDLSS-17802.

As a workaround you can try to call the same method by with a List<String> channels argument:

Backendless.Messaging.unregisterDevice( channels );

where channels list contains the channels you’d like to unregister the device from.
Note that you may need to update the SDK version for this method to be available.

will try it, thanks :slight_smile:


List chan = new ArrayList<>();

but it’s want callback and not an array

found, it’s back endless 5.2.0
why there is no info what is the current release version?

Previous SDKs should work fine as well, the issue you ran into with unregisterDevice() is just a temporary regression on the server side which will be fixed asap. As for the latest SDK version, you can always find what is the latest here: https://search.maven.org/search?q=g:com.backendless%20AND%20a:backendless