Upsert Block cannot update without required fields

Hello, I noticed that the Upsert codeless block doesn’t perform “update”.

In my case, the table has several required fields. In this case, Upsert necessarily requires me to have all these fields submitted rather than just the field I’d like to update.

However, plain PUT request from REST CONSOLE works and BULK UPDATE Codeless block also works as expected.

I am not sure this is intended, but it seems odd not to have a plain Update Codeless block, but of course, Bulk Update is an acceptable workaround.

Actually, the down side to using Bulk Update is that if there are no objects updated, I’ll have to add some conditions to check the result instead of it throwing an error automatically.

The Save Object in Backendless will do an update if you provide objectId:

We’ll have to check on the behavior you described with upsert.


Thanks. Will try.