Upsert StackOverflowError

Hi, I’m using the .NET SDK v 6.7.1. I’m trying to upsert a record via a UnitOfWork using this method: Upsert(string tableName, Dictionary<string, object> objectMap). I’m also setting an objectId value, which I then use for setting a few Relations.

However when I Execute the UnitOfWork, The UnitOfWorkResult has null results, and an error with the message: “java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.StackOverflowError”.

I’ve also tested executing only the Upsert without the relations, as well as not providing an objectId ahead of time, but receive the same StackOverflowError message. And I verified that in all cases, the App Tables dashboard shows that no record was created.

I’m wondering if I’m overlooking something simple. Can you help me with this? Thank you.

Please disregard my question, I figured out the problem. The schema has a column with a DATETIME data type, and the value in the dictionary passed to Upsert had a DateOnly type. I’m not sure why this resulted in a StackOverflowError, but converting it to a DateTime solved the problem.