Urgent App Crashing Error Code 6007 The specified resource was not found

Hello Backendless Team,
I have couple of apps in which I am using the backendless file hosting service to host json files. Since yesterday these hosted json files are getting corrupted automatically, and when I try to access these files I get the below errror response

    code: 6007,

    message: “The specified resource was not found”

} kindly look into this matter urgently as my apps are getting crash. The hosted json files get their timestamp year value 1970 and after that you cannot access these files. It is happening with random files, as there are some files which are still accessible. PFA screenshot for error explanation. These files which are creating problem are below. https://api.backendless.com/4ECBA6DF-B734-E1AB-FFD0-16026FF59600/v1/files/channels_data.txt https://api.backendless.com/1FE67335-2548-0452-FF17-F9D34C7F6100/v1/files/data.txt https://api.backendless.com/1FE67335-2548-0452-FF17-F9D34C7F6100/v1/files/indopak.txt https://api.backendless.com/56DCB677-6247-E474-FFAD-A672CD5B4100/v1/files/cricket.txt


Hello Backendless Team,

Please update, as all of my apps are crashing at the moment.


Hi Hassan

I’ve created internal ticket BKNDLSS-14018 for this and assigned it to developer.
We let you know when we fix it asap

Regards, Vlad

Thank you very much for your kind reply. Can you please give me an ETA as it is extremely urgent, and the rating of all of my apps is going down very fast.


We are working on it.

And I want to propose you some workaround for now, remove these files and upload again. Did you tried this?

Hello Vladimir,

I do not have the recent files data, as it is corrupted. I always updated the online file, and as now the online file is corrupted I am left with no other options. Can you try if you can get the recent copy. Thanks

And Vladimir, can you please provide some estimated ETA? As we need to take some decisions, and it will be really helpful if you can provide us some estimated ETA?


Try now, It should be fixed

Thank you very much Vladimir, Can you please tell me what was the issue, and how can I avoid this in future?

Can you please tell me what was the issue, and how can I avoid this in future? Thanks

Hi Hassan
It was the problem on our side and it was fixed.
So I can’t give you advice about how you can avoid this issue in future because I think it will not occur again.

Regards Ilya

Thank you very much Ilya and Vladimir. You people are the champions. Thanks