I’m using your excellent CSV/Excel plugin to create a CSV list pulled from a table depending on the user access level etc.
I also need to include a URL link to PDFs and Excel sheets.
Is there a field within the database table that can hold URL links?
Hello, @Paul_HIllen.
I didn’t quite understand your question, please explain in more detail what exactly you want to achieve.
Specifically, did you mean the UI table or the table in the database?
Regards, Nikita.
Hi Nikita, thanks for getting back to me.
I’m referring to a table within the database.
Is there a way to create a link field that operates the same as the link component in the user interface, no id’s or paths are exposed to the user but on clicking they can download a file to their local storage.
This field could then be incorporated into a csv file.
In our tables you can create a column with the File Reference type, this column can contain links to files. It seems that this is what you need.