Use fieldmapping feature for twitter Oauth login

I am able to use Twitter as Login provider. But how to map twitter profile pic with the OAuth login?

Hi @Ojaswini_Prusty

We are looking into it. We will inform you of the results.


@Ojaswini_Prusty, you need to set up fields mappings. You can read more about them in the documentation below:

Initial Configuration - Backendless REST API Documentation

To get the profile picture you need to specify the “profile_image_url_https” attribute:

Your request should look like this:


Hi Marina,
I tried it and it did not work. Getting null for profile_image.

Could you tell me, if the login request was successful?

Also, do you see this video Social Login API and OAuth2 Integration for User Login - YouTube ?
Here is a great explanation of how it works.

And one more thing, not sure if it could help, but can you enable reload on Get current user block?

Hi @Ojaswini_Prusty,

I would like to add to what Dima suggested above. If you are sure that the login to Twitter was successful. Note, if the user was already created in the Users table and you are trying to log him in with the new properties you added, they will not be added to the existing record. We take a data ftom the Twitter only during the first login, to create a new record in the Users table. But for new users, this property and any other new properties you decide to add will be added.


Thanks Marina! It worked! I deleted the earlier record from twitter in Users table and made a request and it pulled the profile from Twitter.


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