I’d like to auomatically create a new user record when a user login using the loginWithGooglePlus call.
I’ve tried with the normal loginWithGooglePlus and I noticed that the user is actually stored on the server… Instead, when using the SDK method, I couldn’t get the same result.
I used the Android-SDK github file for reference: loginWithGooglePlus - Android SDK
Thanks in advance.
Hi Matteo,
Could you please clarify what method you used from the SDK that didn’t create the user account? Are you talking about our SDK?
Hi Mark,
Sorry, I realised I wasn’t clear.
I mean when I use the loginWithGooglePlusSdk method, the user is not created.
Hi Matteo,
LoginWithGoogleSdk requires some additional configuration.
In particular, you’ll need:
- Create your project on https://console.developers.google.com and enable Google+ API
- Create Credentials - (Oauth Client ID both for Android and Web application)
- Copy credentials for Web application (Client ID and Client secret) into Backendless Console and replace Client ID in LoginWithGooglePlusSdk sample with yours.
- Download your google-services.json here and replace google-services.json in LoginWithGooglePlusSdk sample with yours.
Hi Anatolii,
Thank you for your answer.
It may sound stupid, I was putting the wrong data into the Backendless console! Thank you very much guys, not only for this case of mine but for all the good stuff you’ve put up.
Have a nice day!