User Login Problem

I followed the youtube video about creating a user login page and ran into 2 issues.

  1. I do not have a “toggle component visibility” block. wont even pop up when i search for it. There is not even a component block section in the panel to the left.
    the First screenshot is my UI builder and the second is the youtube video.

  2. My attempts to login are failing and I am not sure why.

The “Toggle Component Visibility” block is located in the “Component” section:

Make sure to assign an ID to your component before you use the block.

As for the error you shared with us, it appears you’re using a different login block than what’s shown in the video. If you’re certain it is not the case, please let us know your application ID so we can look closer.


I do not have “component” or the “get current user” blocks from the video. They are not in my UI Library. They do not pop up when I search for the blocks either.

Can you record a loom video showing what you have and share the link with us?

Hi, @Austin

To make the Component section visible, please specify the Id property to your component in the UI Builder Designer
Screenshot from 2024-01-15 09-28-40

As for the Get current user block, you see the same updated block in your application. You can find more information about this block here Get Current User - Backendless SDK for JavaScript API Documentation


So to my understanding, the “get current user block” that i have is in fact the correct block?

Also, as far as the error from the screenshot,
“Error: Login by object id is allowed only for CloudCode API key”
I am not sure how to fix. It seems i need to use cloudcode for something but i didnt see anything about using that in the user login tutorial youtube video.

Here is my application ID:

What is the name of the page where the error can be seen? Please provide detailed step-by-step instructions for duplicating the error.

Go to “login” page

Preview page

Use credentials:
Email -
Password - Test

Inspect page to see error message

There is no such page in the app you referenced:

Additionally, there is no user account that you described for the login - the Users table has 0 records.


My apologies, this is the correct application ID,

The data binding for the password field uses the Password property name (the P is capitalized):
UI Builder - default - Unissn - Backendless 2024-01-16 10-16-58

However, in the Login block, you use the lower-case password; as a result, the login fails:

I deleted the page and started from scratch, following along with the user login tutorial video. It is now giving me an “invalid password or login” error message. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Could I have something in my data table set up wrong?
I even created a new user to test with the sign up page. Maybe there is an issue with my sign up page?

Hi @Austin,

I just checked your problem. When I manually created a user in the Users table, the login was successful. For the user you provided (Use credentials:
Email - Password - Test) there is a different password in the Users table because of this you get an error. You need to look for a problem in the logic for registering users (sign-up page).


Thank you!
I checked my logic for the sign up form and one of my properties for “register user” (password) had a capital “p”. I corrected that to lowercase and it fixed the problem.
Thanks again!