User password management


I wasnt able to find any documentation about user password management.
I was wondering if the following is available as a setting in the console or if this is something we would need to build into the app ourselves?

This is required as part of a security policy we are trying to implement. We dont have a public registration form and users are added via the console with a random password.

  1. Enforce password reset at first login - every user added has to change their password on first login.
  2. Auto - reset passwords after 90 days - The user has to change their password after 90 days.


Hi @Fabio_Carvalho_FLRS,

Link to password documentation : Password Reset - Backendless REST API Documentation


Thanks Bohdan, I wanted to know if platform has configurable settings already available for this like what is available to manage Login sessions here

We have not implemented this, but the cases that you wrote in the previous comment can be implemented in our system. You can make an email template that will be sent to users who fit your criteria and also create a timer that will find users who need to send an email.
Email Templates: Email Templates - Backendless REST API Documentation
Timers: About Timers - Developing Backendless Server Code with node.js Or you can do it via Codeless under Cloud Code → Timers


Thanks Bohdan