User Service API

When i register a user with the following code the commented out properties still appear in the record, but the “alwaysSharePost” property that is not commented out
doesnt show in the record.

BackendlessUser user = new BackendlessUser();
user.setProperty(“stateOfResidence”, state);
user.setProperty(“region”, region);
user.setProperty(“name”, name);
user.setProperty(“phone”, phone);
user.setProperty(“email”, email);

       // user.setProperty("defaultSearchString", "Car");
       // user.setProperty("localSearchRadius", "Small");
       // user.setProperty("defaultPostingScreen", "None");
       // user.setProperty("shakeSensitivity", "Medium");
        user.setProperty("alwaysSharePost", true);
       // user.setProperty("smsAlert", false);
       // user.setProperty("emailAlert", false);

        Backendless.UserService.register(user, new AsyncCallback<BackendlessUser>() {
            public void handleResponse(BackendlessUser registeredUser) {
                // user has been registered and now can login
                Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), LoginActivity.class);

            public void handleFault(BackendlessFault fault) {

Hello @Nkekere_Tommy_Minimann

I could not reproduce your problem in my application. Can you provide your APP ID?
Can you tell me what version of SDK you are using?


ID: C2AE98FF-1A1D-BF10-FF3E-64CD97C40D00
Backendless SDK 6.0.1

Hello @Nkekere_Tommy_Minimann

I see that you have the Dynamic schema definition disabled. And the “alwaysSharePost” column has not been added to the table. That’s why the added object has no such value.

I also tried now to register my test user ( in your application using your code. All the fields that have been commented out have not been added. Can you try to reproduce the problem now?
