User Table Relation not working properly

I’ve added a Table Relation to the user object.

Then I added a related object to a particular user.

When the user logs in he gets the object including the related object.

“profilePicture”:{“bodyTextColor”:"-1811939328",“imageId”:“e2abe38bd5a55eba0718f05d423a68b37404c86c”,“updated”:“Dec 23, 2015 6:45:21 PM”,“dir”:“d276571e4b48e43a14ea647a35c39d7d3e13fbe7”,“created”:“Dec 23, 2015 6:45:11 PM”,“backgroundColor”:"-2047888",“objectId”:“B79E3CEE-AC5B-0A38-FF66-0F70B874B900”,“ownerId”:“FF811850-3FEC-3041-FFDC-482366766E00”,“titleTextColor”:“1912602624”,“imgHash”:“3893d1260455d960191c2da60c557de0a35cd86a”,"___class":“Image”}

If i then try to save the user object I get the following error:

BackendlessException{ code: ‘IllegalArgumentException’, message: ‘ProfilePicture’ }
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: ProfilePicture

In my data browser, the variable exists and the relationship is visible.
Any clues?


Do you save with REST? Either way (REST or native), could you show the request/code you use to save the object?


Image image = ImgHelper.sendImage(uri);
BackendlessUser backendlessUser = getBackendlessUser();
backendlessUser = Backendless.Data.of(BackendlessUser.class).save(backendlessUser);

But i also tried to save the related object via Data Console.
Both ways i was able to retrieve the object.
If I then try to save the “exact” same object i get the error.

What is the name of the related table where instances of the Image class are stored?

I’ve also tried first letter upper/lowercase, no change.

try adding this line before you use any of the APIs (after initApp though):

Backendless.Data.mapTableToClass( "profilePicture", Image.class )


Including your advised code I get the following error:

BackendlessException{ code: ‘1023’, message: ‘Relation type update is prohibited - property profilePicture must relate to table Image but not profilePicture’ }

Can you post the following:

  1. a screenshot of the Users>UserProperties screen?
  2. the code for the Image class
  3. schema for the table where instances of the Image class are stored


Sent you the information via mail.

Thanks, I got it.

I gave you wrong instructions. The mapping call should look like this:

Backendless.Data.mapTableToClass( "Image", Image.class )

Could you try it again with that instead?


After I’ve put in your peace of code:

BackendlessException{ code: ‘IllegalArgumentException’, message: ‘ProfilePicture’ }
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: ProfilePicture

Are you using the latest build of SDK?

Yes, using latest build just downloaded from your website. (3.0.0)

Btw. I’ve printed out the User Class via client:


looks OK to me.

Hi Jens,

We were able to reproduce the problem. It has been fixed in the SDK. You can download the latest build from:

We will be pushing it to maven and our website shortly.


With this update i get the following error:

BackendlessException{ code: ‘1001’, message: ‘Cannot update object without any properties: profilePicture’ }

After I changed the relation name from “profilePicture” to “ProfilePicture” I get a different error:

BackendlessException{ code: ‘8001’, message: ‘Duplicate property: ProfilePicture’ }

(for this I had to name the property in Android code “profilePicture”. If i started with an uppercase letter I got 1001 again.)

This is the code I use to test the use-case and it is working for me with the updated jar. How different is it from yours?

Backendless.Data.mapTableToClass( “Image”, Image.class );
Image image = new Image();
image.setBackgroundColor( “white” );
image.setDir( “/foo” );
BackendlessUser backendlessUser = Backendless.UserService.login( userName, password );
backendlessUser.setProperty( “profilePicture”,image );
backendlessUser = Backendless.Data.of(BackendlessUser.class).save(backendlessUser);

Hi Jens,

There was another update for backendless.jar. Could you please grab the latest and try again?


Hey Mark,

the updated .jar did the trick!
Thank you very much!!
