UserService.handleOpenUrl: cannot open url for user with an auto-load related object (iOS)

I perform login via easyLoginWithTwitterFieldsMapping. In AppDelegate.handleOpenUrl method UserService.handleUrl gets called.
When I try to login as a user, who has a related object ( which is marked as auto-load field ), I get the following error:
UserService -> handleOpenURL: ERROR = Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 “Unescaped control character around character 880.” UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Unescaped control character around character 880.}
The url, which handleOpenURL method tries to open, has the representation of this user and it contains the related object’s representation, too. The problem symbol is somewhere in the objectId of the related object. According to the error message, an unescaped control character is around “-F” in 08C09010-21F8-7200-FF13-0C4F2F5A1300.
If I remove mark “auto-load” for the related object in the console, everything is ok.
I can provide a full url, if it is neccessary.
The SDK version is 3.0.22.
Thanks in advance!

Hi Elena,

Please provide the full URL.

Hi, Sergey

The full URL:


Hi Elena,

The problem symbol is in “title” property of favoriteFeed related object :


Please remove it.


Hi Vyacheslav,

So, as far as I understand, an incorrect encoding caused this issue - the type of this field is String and it contains cyrillic symbols. What encoding should I use to store String values?

Thank you

You could use NSUTF8StringEncoding or NSUTF16StringEncoding.

Thank you. It’s working now