Using BB Credit

We have made several attempts to purchase a T-Shirt with BB… We successfully converted the BB to Credit however when we select the item from the consul it opens a new tab that is not logged in… when we log in it takes us back to the consul… here is a short screen capture

(Pardon the personalization… Mark picked this up via Slack and we moved it here)

Hello @Tobias_Ballard!

Thank you for reporting this issue. Our team is handling your question, and we will provide an update in this topic as soon as we have new information.


Hello @Alexander_Pavelko - I’m following up on my son’s request… it’s been close to 3 months and no response… How should my 10 year old son proceed in using the BB that he earned through the missions?

If there is anything you need from our side we will gladly provide it… If there is no solution kindly let us know so we know how to proceed.

Thank you,

Hi Tobias,

The integration between the shop’s billing and the Backendless app’s credit is still not working right. Here’s what we can offer - let us know your application ID. We will check the amount of credit you have through the BB to USD conversion. We will place an order for the t-shirt and charge the difference between the t-shirt price and the amount of the available credit on the account to your credit card. Here’s an example:

Suppose you converted your BB’s to $20. Say a t-shirt with tax and shipping costs $25. The $5 difference would be charged to the credit card on file.

Let me know if that will work for you.



That sounds perfect! Here is my application ID

Note - I have $25.68 in credit and another 4800 BB… if the t-shirt is more than what I have in credit I will convert more BB to cover.

I would like a Dark Short-Sleeve T-Shirt in adult Medium size.

Thank you!

Please let us know the address where it should be shipped to. You’re welcome to send it via email to