I’m trying to add a new object to a table where some columns (instructors and class names) have a relation with other tables.
I’m facing some issues with adding a new object that sets the relation (eg. I want to add a schedule item that sets instructor A as the “instructor”, and class name A as the “class name”).
Here’s my JSON body:
"classStart": 1601298000000,
"zoomPW": "340073",
"classEnd": 1601301600000,
"created": 1599137953000,
"active": true,
"capacity": 20,
"zoomID": "865 7719 5468",
"classDuration": 60,
"zoomLink": "https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86577195468?pwd=R0Y1QW1RMitET2xieUJLb3FSV3c1dz09",
"name":"Ashtanga Basics (Livestream)"
Based on Backendless’s documentation and tutorials, it seems like the code above is correct, but somehow, the object created has its instructor and class name fields empty.
So I managed to create an object in the table, but the relation fields return empty.
I’ve followed the tutorial here https://backendless.com/how-to-add-objects-with-relations-using-rest-console/ but doesn’t seem to work for me.
Am I missing something?
Thank you so much in advance