Validation failed AGAIN

Mission: MAKE IT LIVE!
Task: Add Print to the On Scroll Event and Run the Page

Please, describe your problem here.
Same issue as previously sent, Part 1 of Make it live now accepted so all cookie policies are correct as they were yesterday. I am trialing this software before purchasing but need to understand and be confident of its abilities beforehand. I cant do this if i keep encountering these problems. Please resolve fully.

Hello @Backend_Less

In order to make it easier to find out exactly what the problem is, please record a video of exactly how you perform this task.
Also, please provide your applicationId.


Please understand that the validation system is very strict; it will not validate if there are any deviations from the instructions. As suggested in the previous comment, please record a loom video demonstrating how you go about accomplishing the task and we will be happy to review it.
