Value getting encapsulated in quotes when passed to API?

I’m trying to pass the value of a select to an API -

The print looks like this -


but the API call has " " around the value (encoded to %22) -

Why is the " " being added?

Hello @Tim_Jones,

The URL has a strict format, and certain characters, such as spaces, quotes, and special symbols, need to be encoded to maintain the structure of the URL. Since you are passing a value of type String, it is encoded accordingly.

Regarding the logs, in the first example, you are outputting the value as "'fall24'", while passing "fall24" to the API.


Hi @Alexander_Pavelko,

Thanks for the clarification. I thought the value type was only in the content of the cloud code API; I didn’t realize the encoding would happen when passing the value to the cloud code, if that makes sense.

It is a nice but unexpected feature.
