Hi there,
I am working through the REST quickstart and getting the “Version is disabled error”.
I am using POSTMAN to make my requests. I have checked and double checked the data I am sending over and I am still getting the error. Any thoughts?
Here is the request being sent out by POSTMAN…(Secret Key Redacted)
POST /v1/users/register HTTP/1.1
Host: api.backendless.com
application-id: 9B24EED4-8A48-D6B5-FF52-0088A7E24900
Content-Type: application/json
application-type: REST
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: f54ac395-ad98-e2f9-1cf0-3b8f7ebd8c70
{“email”:“john.smith@foo.bar”, “name”:“John”, “password”:“123456seven”}