Hello. After viewing the video Installing Backendless Pro on a Digital Ocean Droplet I was feeling like I basically understood what to do…
but then I visited the Digital Ocean pricing page and immediately got confused. The reason is that they have many different categories:
And the list goes on… the full list is:
- GenAI Platform
- Droplets
- GPU Droplets
- Kubernetes
- App Platform
- Functions
- Databases
- Spaces
- Volumes
- Load Balancers
- Container Registry
- Support Plans
- Uptime
- Backups
- Additional GPU Options
I can contact their sales team, but I’m not sure how much their sales team knows about Backendless. So I thought it would be best to start here.
“Droplets” is one category, which is pretty straightforward because the video describes adding a “Droplet”. I thought “this must be the one to choose”.
But there is also a “Kubernetes” category. The Backendless Pro CE page states " The Backendless Pro Community Edition is specifically designed for deployment in a Kubernetes environment."
So do I need to use both Droplets and Kubernetes?
For that matter, Load Balancers" and “Databases” also each have their own listing.
24 minutes into the video, there is an explanation of “Load Balancers”. So we need that feature, right?
And I know Backendless uses databases, but does this listing refer to the Backendless databases, or separate databases that Digital Ocean is providing?
How does one actually calculate what the cost of a Droplet configuration like the one shown in the video will be?
I’d like to make sure not to accidentally pay for unneeded services or neglect to choose a feature that will be needed.
If I can go to the Digital Ocean sales team (or some other hosting company’s sales team), and show them a list, like “here are the features I need” I think I could move ahead confidently.
Any guidance appreciated.