What is the tech stack of a Backendless app?

I’m new to Backendless (coming from Bubble).

From looking around the docs and forum it seems that the apps generated by Backendless need to either be hosted on Backendless’ servers (just like Bubble) or be hosted inside a Docker container/Backendless VM on my own servers. Which is fine. I’m curious though as to what kind of apps are generated on the front end and on the backend…

  1. My understanding is that the Frontend UI Builder basically generates a React app. Is this correct?

  2. What does the Backend builder generate…a Node.js app or something else?

  3. What kind of database does a Backendless app have? Is it Postgres like Bubble or something else?

Much appreciated!

Hello @eddie7

Welcome to our community!

  1. Yes, the frontend of the ui-builder app is based on React. But you can use any frontend base with Backendless platform.
  2. What do you mean by “Backend builder”?
  3. MySql


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Thanks, @viktor.liablin.

When I referenced “Backend builder”, I was basically asking what the backend of a Backendless app is made of. For example…if the frontend of a Backendless app is a React app, then what is the backend of a Backendless app? Is it a node.js app, some javascript server-less functions or something else all together?

Hi Eddie,

The backend of a Backendless app is the entire Backendless platform. It consists of several layers, responsible for persistence, replication, caching, security, running Cloud Code, management of queues (for tasks, API invocations, etc). It is a complex system designed to scale. Every tier of the system can scale independently, for instance, if there is an increase in the number of requests for API services, we will scale up CodeRunners, which is a smart container where custom Cloud Code runs. If there is an increase in the database traffic, we will scale the database nodes.

From the developer’s perspective, the understanding of the stack can be simplified as:

  • Cloud Code - this is where your API services, Event Handlers and Timers run
  • Database - well, it is the database
  • Caching system - there is an API for that.
  • User Management system - it sits on top of the database for persistence and provides the logic for handling everything related to your users.
    This list can go on, there are mutiple services available in the backend, all of which have APIs, which we document.

Hope this helps.


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Very helpful, @mark-piller…thank you!