I would like to ask a question about the project structure in IntelliJ.
I’m trying to create some custom API Services for the “Business Logic” of my application.
I had some problems on deploying/publishing my code via CodeRunner in the terminal window in IntelliJ, therefore I would like to know if you can give me some hints on how to structure my project.
My project structure, at the moment, is shown in the attached file.
As you can see, I have more than 20 classes in my “models” package.
And I have only one custom service, called Web.
Is it a problem if I keep so many classes in my models package?
Let’s cosnider I want to create another custom sevice, called Foo.
Where should I put it in my project structure, in order to avoid errors?
In my case, I’m using a free account and I know that I have some limitations.
There is no matter what structure of service. Should be only one class extended from IBackendlessService. There is limitation of total size of hosted service jar but it can be extended via Backendless Marketplace.