What to look for when choosing a web host for a Backendless site / app?

I’ve been shopping around for a web host to host one or more Backendless sites with. I have been looking at hosting companies that are known to be good for hosting React web apps, since I understand React is one of the central technologies of Backendless (correct me if I’m reading too much into that). I am of course also considering connectivity speeds and looking for hosting that is in the region(s) I expect most of the site traffic to come from.

It would be nice to be able to host multiple sites on one plan. Many hosting companies offer plans like this now, but there is always the question of: what is the tradeoff?

So… shared hosting? Dedicated hosting? VPS hosting?

Maybe some factors will change depending on the amount of traffic I anticipate getting. I will start small and scale up as needed.

I feel like choosing a web host is much more complicated than it used to be. And I want to make the best decision to fit the Backendless ecosystem. Looking for some guidance in how to go through the decision process. Thanks!

A UI app created with Backendless has no dynamically generated pages on the server side. This means any web server can serve up the pages (HTML/CSS/JS), and the dynamic part is done in the browser. So whether it is shared, dedicated, or VPS, all those options will work. The differences between these options would be primarily in the level of control you get and somewhat the stability of the environment.

Here’s ChatGPT take on this matter:

Choosing the right hosting option depends on your specific needs, budget, and the expected traffic for your app. Here’s a breakdown of each option to help you decide:

1. Shared Hosting

  • Pros:

    • Cost-effective: Usually the cheapest option.
    • Ease of Use: Managed environment, so you don’t have to worry about server maintenance.
    • Good for Small Sites: Ideal if your site has low traffic and doesn’t require a lot of resources.
  • Cons:

    • Limited Resources: You share server resources (CPU, RAM, bandwidth) with other websites, which can lead to slower performance, especially during traffic spikes.
    • Less Control: Limited ability to customize server settings.
    • Potential Security Risks: Sharing a server with other sites increases the risk of cross-site contamination.
  • Recommendation: If your site is small, doesn’t expect much traffic, and you’re looking for a budget-friendly option, shared hosting might be a good fit.

2. Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting

  • Pros:

    • More Resources: Allocated resources just for your site, leading to better performance compared to shared hosting.
    • Greater Control: You have root access, which allows for more customization and control over the server environment.
    • Scalable: Easier to scale as your site grows.
  • Cons:

    • Cost: More expensive than shared hosting but generally more affordable than dedicated hosting.
    • Management: Requires some technical knowledge to manage, especially if it’s an unmanaged VPS.
  • Recommendation: If you expect moderate traffic or need more control over the server environment, a VPS is a good middle-ground option.

3. Dedicated Hosting

  • Pros:

    • Full Resources: The entire server is dedicated to your website, providing the highest level of performance.
    • Maximum Control: Full control over server configuration, including hardware and software choices.
    • Security: Less risk from other sites since it’s your server.
  • Cons:

    • Cost: The most expensive option.
    • Complexity: Requires significant technical expertise to manage, or you may need to hire a server admin.
  • Recommendation: Dedicated hosting is generally overkill for a static website unless you expect very high traffic or have specific security requirements.

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Thank you for the explanation!

I was surprised to learn that all the dynamic work is done in the browser. Having flexible configuration options is good news.
