What's the process for implementing a Shopify store in Backendless?

I’m trying to imagine what the result might look like, and what the process might look like, to implement a Shopify store in Backendless.

How much of the store’s layout and functionality would I need to build? How much of it would be powered by Backendless, and how much by Shopify?

It would be great to find a tutorial on this, but I haven’t found such detailed info.

Here are the resources I have found:

Integrate the Backendless API with the Shopify (OAuth) API

Shopify Functions Unlocks Backend Logic to Help Meet Any Business Need

Shopify API, libraries, and tools

API Integrations: What They Are and How To Use Them

How to embed Shopify Store on your Backendless website for FREE?
(This one involves a “widget”, and I need to study what is meant by that.)

So I’m sort of in the awkward space between the two platforms, with lots of unknown unknowns.

If someone knows of learning resources on this topic, please advise. Thanks.

Hello @Causality

We will be happy to assist you.
However, your question seems very general with many unknowns, so it is very difficult for me to answer it.
I don’t know what your ultimate goal is.

By the way, you can create applications from blueprints, here are the blueprints we have for e-commerce:

Endless Homes
Food2U Delivery App
Listings Template


Thank you for the reply.

Yes, it’s true. My question is quite general, unfortunately. I think the biggest issue I don’t understand is: How much of the shop will be built using Backendless, and how much will be built using Shopify’s platform? I have a general familiarity with how Backendless works, but Shopify is new to me.

The shop won’t require any specialized technologies. I’m not trying to reinvent the wheel. It would be a pretty typical shop with photos of items and their pricing - and cart functionality, of course. It may include the occasional “featured”, “discounted”, or “special promotion” type of collection, for example. Nothing overly ambitious - especially in the beginning.

The demos look nice! And their layouts are diverse, so I am optimistic that a lot of customization will be possible with a Backendless shop.

I probably need to research Shopify more. I hope that after I study more how their platform and API works, I will get a sense for how to integrate it.