We will be happy to assist you.
However, your question seems very general with many unknowns, so it is very difficult for me to answer it.
I don’t know what your ultimate goal is.
By the way, you can create applications from blueprints, here are the blueprints we have for e-commerce:
Yes, it’s true. My question is quite general, unfortunately. I think the biggest issue I don’t understand is: How much of the shop will be built using Backendless, and how much will be built using Shopify’s platform? I have a general familiarity with how Backendless works, but Shopify is new to me.
The shop won’t require any specialized technologies. I’m not trying to reinvent the wheel. It would be a pretty typical shop with photos of items and their pricing - and cart functionality, of course. It may include the occasional “featured”, “discounted”, or “special promotion” type of collection, for example. Nothing overly ambitious - especially in the beginning.
The demos look nice! And their layouts are diverse, so I am optimistic that a lot of customization will be possible with a Backendless shop.
I probably need to research Shopify more. I hope that after I study more how their platform and API works, I will get a sense for how to integrate it.