When I click on ChangeLog, I get an error screen

Application ID: 4A47197B-AE30-FA84-FF56-0071F4010900

Sometimes when I click on ChangeLog, I get an error screen.

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'hasChanges')
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'hasChanges')
    at F (https://develop.backendless.com/static/js/5187.0592093d.js:1:25141)
    at Ti (https://develop.backendless.com/static/js/bundle.008425ef.js:2:6021821)
    at Cl (https://develop.backendless.com/static/js/bundle.008425ef.js:2:6078803)
    at yc (https://develop.backendless.com/static/js/bundle.008425ef.js:2:6067785)
    at _c (https://develop.backendless.com/static/js/bundle.008425ef.js:2:6067713)
    at gc (https://develop.backendless.com/static/js/bundle.008425ef.js:2:6067576)
    at sc (https://develop.backendless.com/static/js/bundle.008425ef.js:2:6064383)
    at lc (https://develop.backendless.com/static/js/bundle.008425ef.js:2:6064772)
    at Gr (https://develop.backendless.com/static/js/bundle.008425ef.js:2:6005662)
    at https://develop.backendless.com/static/js/bundle.008425ef.js:2:6062320

Problem description

Describe what you did in console that led to the error. Please provide a description of what actually happens. Be descriptive: “it doesn’t work” does not describe what the behavior actually is. This will help us with reproducing the problem.

Steps to reproduce

Please describe steps to reproduce starting from the first action.

Hello @Andreas_Marinopoulos,

thank you for reporting this issue, I was able to reproduce it.
I have created an internal ticket in order to fix it (BKNDLSS-29094).
This will be fixed in the nearest release.
We’ll notify you about this.


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Hello @Andreas_Marinopoulos

We’ve just updated cloud servers with a fix for the issue you described above. Could you kindly let us know whether fix works for you well?
