When i use update is not change data realtime

i have learn database realtime when i use update is not change data realtime
Please help me sir

Hello @Savan_ITDEV

Please describe in more detail what you are trying to do and what you want to receive, what does not work out?

I have learned the realtime database in this link Real-Time Database Integrationfor Flutter Developers | Backendless. but when I change data in the console in my emulator not change data.

Make sure to follow the documentation for real-time database. Try debugging your code.

Good luck!

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Thank sir ^^

Hi @Savan_ITDEV

Do you use Android or iOS emulator? If you use Android, make sure you add io.socket dependency to your gradle file. You can find the detailed instructions in the mentioned article.
Also check if you receive the callback inside the updateListener.

Best regards,

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