when i want deploy event handler to standalone backendless i see this error

Starting CodeRunner
[INFO] JDK from “JAVA_HOME” - C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.9.0
[INFO] JRE from “JRE_HOME” - C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.9.0
[INFO] CodeRunner™ Backendless Debugging Utility
[INFO] Copyright© 2016 Backendless Corp. All rights reserved.
[INFO] Version: 3.0.17-ENTERPRISE Build date: 20160527-1209
[INFO] CodeRunner session is running for 2 hours and will be terminated on 11:47
[ERROR] null
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at com.backendless.coderunner.runtime.security.CodeRunnerPolicy.initiate
(CodeRunnerPolicy.java:26) ~[CodeRunner.jar:na]
at com.backendless.coderunner.runtime.security.CodeRunnerPolicy.<init>(C
odeRunnerPolicy.java:17) ~[CodeRunner.jar:na]
at com.backendless.coderunner.runtime.security.Security.setupSecurity(Se
curity.java:44) ~[CodeRunner.jar:na]
at com.backendless.coderunner.AbstractCodeRunner.start(AbstractCodeRunne
r.java:44) ~[CodeRunner.jar:na]
at com.backendless.coderunner.LocalCodeRunner.start(LocalCodeRunner.java
:49) ~[CodeRunner.jar:na]
at com.backendless.coderunner.CodeRunnerLoader.launch(CodeRunnerLoader.j
ava:42) [CodeRunner.jar:na]
at com.backendless.coderunner.CodeRunnerLoader.main(CodeRunnerLoader.jav
a:29) [CodeRunner.jar:na]
[INFO] Debugging Utility disconnected successfully
[INFO] Thank you for using Backendless

Hi @hamid,
According to Backendless Support Policy, support for Backendless Standalone is not free. Please contact sales@backendess.com to discuss paid support plan.
Refgards, Artur.

but it is a bug and does not need support

What version of Backendless Standalone do you use?
Does Conde Runner bin folder contains security.policy file?

thank yout
my problem solved
but i have a new problem
what is the api end point for standalone rest call?
my server ip is
i have a driver table for create record i call
but i see resource not found error

Hi Hamid,
