Where is the documentation for .net?

Hi, am looking at the online documentation for .net


And it is incomplete, in the first case there is no examples, and in the second one it does not correspond to the topic being addressed (geo search vs. advanced search)

In the offline documentation there is also completely blank sections:

Where can i find the updated documentation for .net?

Best regards,



There are a lot of pending changes in the docs, but they have not gone through a complete review yet. It might be faster to get information if you describe what exactly you are looking for.


Hi Mark,

Basically I´m looking on how to do advanced search in the data service.

Could you please be more specific? Possibly describe the use case you’re working on? I’d like to give you a solution to a problem if you can describe it. “How to do advanced search in the data service” is a very broad topic.


I want to retrieve all objects in a table that meet a certain condition.

For example:

I have the table “Datos” which has fields such as name, server, filepath and mode.

I want to get all the objects in that table where the field mode has value “whatsapp”.

just use the following where clause:

mode = 'whatsapp'

You can also test it using console:

Here’s a sample for .NET:

String whereClause = "mode = 'whatsapp'";
BackendlessDataQuery dataQuery = new BackendlessDataQuery();
dataQuery.WhereClause = whereClause;
List<Datos> result = Backendless.Data.Of<Datos>().Find( dataQuery ).GetCurrentPage();

This assumes you have a class called Datos which has the same structure as the table.


Alright, and how can i get all the objects in the table with no condition?

List<Datos> result = Backendless.Data.Of<Datos>().Find().GetCurrentPage();

You would not get all the objects, since the returned data set is paged.

I´m having a problem. With the query search when i put a nonmatching string (i.e. WHATSA) i get 0 results. Yet when i enter a matching string (WHATSAPP) i get the error {“Input string was not in a correct format.”}.

Same goes with the get all objects,

List<Datos> result = Backendless.Data.Of<Datos>().Find().GetCurrentPage();

i get {Backendless BackendlessFault. Code: Internal client exception, Message: Input string was not in a correct format.}


Did you get the SDK from github or the website? The versions are slightly different.

I just tried and cannot reproduce the error. What version of the .NET framework do you use? Could you please share the source of your test program?


Hi Mark, yes, i downloaded it yesterday directly from the website (windows phone sdk). Herewith i attach the project with .net 4.5

BE test .net.rar (736.67kB)

Hi Nicolas,

I was able to reproduce the problem. I see that the client receives a correct response from server (see the image below). I am going to investigate further to understand where it fails.


Hi Nicolas,

The problem is in your Datos class and corresponding interface. The following property is declared as “int”, but it should be “string”:

public int FUNCION { get; set; }

If you change it to the following, it will work:

public string FUNCION { get; set; }

As always you guys provide great support :slight_smile:
As a side note the error message should be fixed so developers can track things like these withouth taking your support time. I´m grateful for your help :).

Best regards


One question, How to set the page size of the response to a 100 objects?