The complete topic is the title…
Why can’t social login users store a password and change their email?
I had recently a problem. I decided to delete my Facebook and I wasn’t able to login to my Spotify anymore. Because it was linked to my Facebook. All my playlists, my tracks, my PAYED SUBSCRIPTION gone.
Contact the support? Hehe. That was 6 months ago. No reply yet.
I don’t want my App suck that bad.
So. How do I handle the Issue, that over time, one of my Users deactivates their Facebook and then needs to re-login to my App?
What if in 2-3-4-5 years everyone decides that Facebook sucks?
What if a User has not possibility to login to Facebook, but wants to keep using my App?
What if a User gets banned from Facebook?
There are so many possibilities and so many needs for a User to be able to login with password and Email even tho he has registered using Facebook.
Also. Why can’t I change the Email?
What if the User changes his Facebook Email? Will it be updated? What if the Email Address is dead after years?
For god sakes, please make it possible that a User is able to login with Email/Pass even tho he has registered with Facebook AND to have it possible to change the Email Address…
The User has the token and the facebookID, I see NO POINT AT ALL to force the Email Address…
Thanks for the support.