Why does the transaction count increase?

Hi there?
I found that when I set property on one page, the page reload and call page enter event.
So if I pull the data from dabase in 5 times on page enter, then when I set property, page reload and page enter event is called. So transaction count is increasing even I didn’t call DB api.
I am new to Backendless platform. So I would like to know what I missed when use ‘SetProperty’ or make the page.
Please explain me kindly.

Hi Mark, Can you check ArchieApp?
This need to be charged more than we expect.
Because of transaction count.
I am not sure the reason still.
Please let me know.

Could you please illustrate what you’re trying to do with screenshots? I have read the description several times and cannot understand what’s going on and what the issue is.

I am sorry to make your fruasted.
For example.

On page enter, I load tables in 5 times to get the data from database.

I can check exactly it’s 5 times.

On this page, I am going to change one field in runtime.
So I set property to change the field value after page loaded.
But I found that when set property, same 5 transactions of Page Enter are called again.
I can’t know the reason.

So 1000 requests recorded.

I am sure this app don’t request 1000 times in a minute.
I can’t know the reason yet.

The logic in the screenshot makes only one request - it happens in the Load Table objects block. What other requests are, I do not know. It would be in your logic.

As for 1000 requests, you need to check the analytics screen - specifically the API CALLS tab to see what those requests are.