Why gulp-uglify breaks backendless?

I’m pretty sure, that this issue caused by my code, not backendless code, but I can’t find out what exactly is wrong.
here full description:

Can you give me please code from .js file where from you make query to find data object. I think you do searching in another class.

Hi, Anton,

What table are you trying to query? (table name)

Sergey, you are right!
This happens, because the “constructor function” is renamed by uglifyjs

This is uncompressed version
function NewEstateData() {};
var items = Backendless.Persistence.of( NewEstateData );

and after compression:
function t(){}var n=Backendless.Persistence.of(t)

If I understand it correctly (http://backendless.com/documentation/data/js/data_basic_search.htm), I should create the “constructor function” named as my table. Uglify will always treat it as usual function and change the name in order to reduce it length. Is there way to search through backendless without this way of naming? Or should i protect this names somehow from uglifying?

Our JS SDK forms the url from the name of your constructor-function, thus if you rename it - the request will query another table, and for now there is no way to change this logic from your code.

So you’re looking in the right direction: the most suitable solution in this case will be to exclude these constructor-functions names from uglify’s obfuscation list.