Wrong property name: __subID . This name is forbidden, please, choose another one.

My code looks something like this
let user = Backendless.sharedInstance().userService.currentUser
user.setProperty(“favoriteColor”, object: “Blue”)

Backendless.sharedInstance().userService.update(user, response: { ( updatedUser : BackendlessUser!) → () in

}, error: { ( fault : Fault!) → () in

Everytime user come back to the app I log them in to retrieve the most update to date current user.
The error I get when I try to update them is Wrong property name: __subID . This name is forbidden, please, choose another one. Error code: 2005

I am currently able to reproduce this 100% of the time on one user, I got this error before when I first used Backendless, when I was changing the user schema, but I havn’t touch it for at least 3 month and its now coming back

note favoriteColor is already an existing property in the user object, and it set to Green as a string
This is what I see in the backendless Analytics
the 4th column is Error Calls and 5th is Total Calls

Provide your appId and user which lets to reproduce this issue.

is there a way to email you?

Please, to support@backendless.com (specify a thread name)

Сheck off autoload of favoriteSessions relation in Users table.

Hey Vyacheslav, I send you more emails regarding how to not check off autoload since I need to use it for existing users, let me know thank you!

Hey Vyacheslav, I send you more emails regarding how to not check off autoload since I need to use it for existing users, let me know thank you!

Olive, please stick to the public support forum. Direct email support is reserved strictly for customers with a paid support plan.


My mistake mark, can you look into the __subID issue for me?

I got this issue when I login with google+ (login with email and password is ok).
User has a relation with Organisation and I use autoload to load Organisation along to user when login. But when i save Activity and set activity.user = Backendless.sharedInstance().userService.currentUser .
The error happens.
I debug and note that when I login with google+, the NSLog shows:

<BackendlessUser [<BackendlessUser: 0x61800000af60>]> {
"___class" = Users;
organisation = {
"___class" = Organisation;
"__subID" = "787EC6DB-2971-4218-FF34-1636131EEA00";
address = "xxx";
created = "Thu Jun 30 10:11:30 UTC 2016";
members = (
name = "xxx";
objectId = "2AAC0C5B-84DB-EFE7-FF08-017BA2CCB100";
ownerId = "<null>";
"phone_number" = 0;
serialVersionUID = 0;
updated = "Fri Oct 14 07:21:02 UTC 2016";

End when i login with email:

<BackendlessUser [<BackendlessUser: 0x60800000ab60>]> {
organisation = "<Organisation: 0x60800005ba80>";

Please help me, Thank you.

It sounds like the problem you described is unrelated to the original post. Please start a new topic.
